Bike Suspension Tracker

I love mountain biking! Embarrassingly enough, when I got my last mountain bike, I did not check the full functionality of the front suspension. To my dismay, I found that the front lockout feature didn’t work. Of course, it was long outside the manufacturer’s warranty… On a good note, it got me thinking about how you could use a Raspberry …

GitHub Repository Up and Running

Thank you for so much good feedback. There have been people asking about a GitHub repository for the code to do the safe shutdown. There you go. Full instructions are in for how to get the software. Of course, you may modify it, based on your needs/skill level, but the posted instructions should get it running on your …

Low Battery Shutdown Code

When JuiceBox Zero sees the battery voltage reach 3.2V the “LOW BATTERY” LED lights up and causes GPIO16 to go HIGH.  In order to perform a safe shutdown, do the following: Type: sudo nano This will create a python file in your current folder for the safe shutdown code. Copy and paste the following code into and save …